Local Card Payment

Merchants can integrate the local card payment method on their website, where cardholders can input card details to complete their online payment.

Local card payment process

  1. Cardholder Initiation:

    • The cardholder initiates a local card payment request within the merchant’s online application
    • This request typically includes relevant payment details such as card information, transaction amount, and other required parameters
  2. Merchant’s API Call:

    • Before the merchant’s payment application performs a payment, they must call the Authorization API to obtain a token.
    • Using the Authorization token, the merchant’s payment application calls OTT Pay’s API to post a payment for payment processing
    • The API request includes the Authorization API token, as well as all required payment method information, including the total payment amount and any additional details received in the request
  3. Payment Authorization:

    • The payment gateway validates the request and communicates with the payment processor and card issuer
    • If the payment transaction, including card details are valid and the transaction is authorized, then the payment gateway returns an authorized status
    • This status indicates that the payment has been accepted and can proceed for capture by OTT Pay.
  4. Payment Verification:

    • The merchant’s payment application can verify the payment result using OTT Pay’s payment status query API
    • If the payment was successful, then tbhe status returned will be “success
    • This step ensures that the payment was processed correctly

NOTE: The completed payment status list here.

  1. Response:
    • Once the OTT Pay gateway confirms the payment result, the API will send a response via the callback URL provided in the initial payment request
    • The callback URL allows the merchant to receive real-time updates on the payment status

Payment process status transition diagram