API Explanation

Request Type


Request URI



Parameter Type Required Description Remark
paymentId String No Payment ID

Request Example:

  "paymentId": "1678715489187336"


Parameter Type Description Remark
paymentId String Payment ID
buyerLoginId String
totalAmount String Total Transaction Amount
receiveAmount String Merchant Receive Amount cent is the unit, “100” means a dollar
payAmount String User Payment Amount cent is the unit, “100” means a dollar
refundFee String Refund Fee cent is the unit, “100” means a dollar(Exists only in refund order queries)
paymentStatus String Payment Status please see Payment Status
tradeTime String Transaction Time
tip String Tip Amount cent is the unit, “100” means a dollar
exchangeRate String Exchange Rate
payInfo String Transaction Additional Information
bizPayOrderId String The order ID of the Payment Channel
convenienceFee String Handling Fee cent is the unit, “100” means a dollar
localeTradeTime String Transaction Local Time

Response Example:

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "result": {
    "paymentId": "1678715489187336",
    "buyerLoginId": null,
    "totalAmount": "1",
    "receiveAmount": "1",
    "payAmount": "1",
    "refundFee": "1",
    "paymentStatus": "fully_refunded",
    "tradeTime": "Mar 13, 2023 9:52:19 AM",
    "tip": "0",
    "exchangeRate": "5.00767700",
    "payInfo": "",
    "bizPayOrderId": "WX5116859181704002",
    "convenienceFee": null,
    "localeTradeTime": null

Payment Status

交易状态 说明
init Order is created
notpay Order is not paid, payment is processing
success Order is success
canceling Order is revoking
failure Order failed
orderclosed Order is closed
authfinish Pre-authorization payment finished
partial_refunded Order is partially refunded
fully_refunded Order is fully refunded