
Request and Response

The API request of the merchant system is submitted to the OTT Pay API server through HTTPS POST method.

The merchant system sends request to the OTT Pay API server, and the OTT Pay API server returns a response after processing the request. Both the request and the response are in JSON format, and the encoding format is UTF-8.

The response result is represented by JSON data format. The status attribute in the response indicates whether it is a successful result, and the result attribute indicates the actual returned data. For example:

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "result": {
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJPTjAwMDAwMTgyMTQiLCJhdWRpZW5jZSI6bnVsbCwicm9sZSI6bnVsbCwiY3JlYXRlZCI6MTY3NzU5NDY2MzM5NywidXNlcnR5cGUiOiJDVVNUT01FUiIsImV4cCI6MTY3NzU5NTU2MywidXNlcmlkIjoxNH0.YHOw2N8oUP3vn_L-euzuUiShDfQbowAjrWjeVef0wn4jgHA4k5zsgcZ6euRUk-R-Xtn2OkYB7R8geGBjQQYnMw",
    "expired": 1677595563672

Unsuccessful responses will contain error and message in result, for example:

  "status": "ERROR",
  "result": {
    "code": 10003,
    "message": "User does not exist"

Error Codes and Corresponding Messages: [API response error code](#api-response error code)

Authorization method

The OTT Pay API server is accessed using JWT token authorization. The merchant system needs to call Authorization API first to obtain a token, which will be included in the request header for each subsequent API call Contains authorization information:

Authorization: Bearer <token>


Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJPTjAwMDAwMTgyMTQiLCJhdWRpZW5jZSI6bnVsbCwicm9sZSI6bnVsbCwiY3JlYXRlZCI6MTY3NzU5NDY2MzM5NywidXNlcnR5cGUiOiJDVVNUT01FUiIsImV4cCI6MTY3NzU5NTU2MywidXNlcmlkIjoxNH0.YHOw2N8oUP3vn_L-euzuUiShDfQbowAjrWjeVef0wn4jgHA4k5zsgcZ6euRUk-R-Xtn2OkYB7R8geGBjQQYnMw


API server URL

Production environment


Sandbox environment


Test cards

All test local card transactions in the sandbox environment must use test cards. The following test cards are provided for testing payment transactions.

Brands Card Number Card Type Expiry Date CVV2 Avs Address
Visa 4000020000000000 Credit 03/2030 737 Any address
Visa 4400000000000008 Debit 03/2030 737 Any address
Mastercard 2222400010000008 Credit 03/2030 737 Any address
Mastercard 2222400060000007 Debit 03/2030 737 Any address
American Express 374101012180018 Credit 03/2030 7373 275 Notre-Dame St. East, Montreal, Quebec H2Y 1C6, Canada
Discover 6011601160116611 Credit 03/2030 737 Any address
JCB 3569990010095841 Credit 03/2030 737 Any address
China UnionPay 6243030000000001 Credit 12/2029 737 Any address
Diners 36006666333344 Credit 03/2030 737 Any address

Payment Results

When the merchant system calls [Payment API], it needs to perform subsequent payment actions according to the returned response results and payment scenarios. Some payment scenarios Payment results cannot be obtained immediately. After the OTT Pay API server receives the payment result from the payment channel, it will send the payment result to the specified callback URL (the callback URL needs to be specified in the request parameter of Payment API, please refer to the specific API description). Of course, the merchant system can also actively query through Payment Status Query API.

API Response error code

code message description
10001 Transaction processing Chinese Wallet Payment user is processing the payment, not applicable for local card transaction.
10002 Password is incorrect Authorization failed OR The entered pre-authorization code is invalid. Apply on POS refund transactions only.
10003 API Authorization failed The merchant appId and appKey pair you provided cannot be found
10005 Invalid parameter Parameter format incorrect
10006 Parameter error Input Parameter incorrect, Apply on EMV POS only, not applicable for local card transaction.
10200 Gateway error OTT gateway’s error response.
20001 Payment paid The transaction you have submitted has already been processed. Apply on Chinese Wallet Payment transactions only, not applicable for local card transaction.
20002 Payment number duplicated The payment transaction you have submitted is duplicated. Apply on Chinese Wallet Payment transactions only, not applicable for local card transaction.
20003 This is not a pre-authorized payment The payment request use a non-pre-authorized payment Id to complete a pre-authorized payment
20004 Database error Transaction data induced database error.
20005 No permission for the merchant 1) The entered pre-authorization code is invalid, or 2) The merchant account you provided cannot be found, or 3) The merchant account you provided is disabled, or 4) Your merchant account is not configured for the transaction you attempted.
20006 QR code expired, please refresh, and try again The Chinese Wallet Payment auth code is expired. Apply on Chinese Wallet Payment transactions only, not applicable for local card transaction.
20007 Insufficient balance 1) Card balance is insufficient to cover the payment, or 2) not enough funds for refund
20008 Unsupported card The card type was not recognized, or The card was removed too quickly and the approval process was interrupted POS terminal was unable to encrypt the message and process the transaction
20009 Payment closed The refund or void request on a payment that has already closed.
20014 Refund amount greater than the amount paid The requested Refund amount exceeds the original/remaining transaction amount.
20019 Original payment not exist Original transaction/payment ID you provided cannot be found
20020 Original payment has been finished The Original payment has already been captured
20021 Original payment does not support revocation Refund a non-captured transaction
20030 Payment failed Your request has been declined due to no financial impact - original transaction already declined
20031 No channel supported Chinese Wallet Payment transaction uses unsupported payment channel, not applicable for local card transaction.
20034 Other case Any other errors that not include in the list
20041 The payment cannot be refunded The payment has been fully refunded, it cannot be refunded any more.
50001 Failure Payment Failed
50002 Timeout Your request has been declined due to a timeout OR The authorization message is approved. The error occurs if: 1) the transaction was declined by the card afterwards, or 2) timeout on the terminal. As a result, the transaction is reversed.
50003 System error No response received for the sent request
90000 Unauthorized The entered access token is invalid