

商户系统的 API 请求通过 HTTPS POST 方法提交给 OTT Pay API 服务器。

商户系统向 OTT Pay API 服务器发送 请求消息,OTT Pay API 服务器处理请求消息后返回 响应结果。请求消息和响应结果均为 JSON 格式,编码格式为 UTF-8

响应结果采用通用格式的 JSON 对象表示,响应结果中的 status 属性表示是否是成功结果,而 result 属性表示实际返回数据。比如:

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "result": {
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJPTjAwMDAwMTgyMTQiLCJhdWRpZW5jZSI6bnVsbCwicm9sZSI6bnVsbCwiY3JlYXRlZCI6MTY3NzU5NDY2MzM5NywidXNlcnR5cGUiOiJDVVNUT01FUiIsImV4cCI6MTY3NzU5NTU2MywidXNlcmlkIjoxNH0.YHOw2N8oUP3vn_L-euzuUiShDfQbowAjrWjeVef0wn4jgHA4k5zsgcZ6euRUk-R-Xtn2OkYB7R8geGBjQQYnMw",
    "expired": 1677595563672

不成功的响应会在 result 中包含 errormessage,比如:

  "status": "ERROR",
  "result": {
    "code": 10003,
    "message": "User does not exist"

错误代码和相应的消息请参见:API 响应错误编码


OTT Pay API 服务器采用 JWT token 授权的方式进行访问。商户系统需要先调用 授权 API 获得 token, 并在以后的每次API调用时在请求头中包含授权信息:

Authorization: Bearer <token>


Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJPTjAwMDAwMTgyMTQiLCJhdWRpZW5jZSI6bnVsbCwicm9sZSI6bnVsbCwiY3JlYXRlZCI6MTY3NzU5NDY2MzM5NywidXNlcnR5cGUiOiJDVVNUT01FUiIsImV4cCI6MTY3NzU5NTU2MywidXNlcmlkIjoxNH0.YHOw2N8oUP3vn_L-euzuUiShDfQbowAjrWjeVef0wn4jgHA4k5zsgcZ6euRUk-R-Xtn2OkYB7R8geGBjQQYnMw





当商户系统调用了 支付 API 后,需要根据返回的响应结果和支付场景进行后续的支付动作,有些支付场景不能立即得到支付结果。OTT Pay API 服务器从支付通道获到支付结果后会将支付结果发送到指定的回调 URL(回调 URL 需要在 支付 API 的请求参数中指定,请参见特定 API 说明)。当然商户系统也能通过 支付状态查询 API 进行主动查询。

API 响应错误编码

code message
10001 Transaction processing
10002 Password is incorrect
10003 User does not exist
10004 User not match
10005 Invalid parameter
10006 Parameter error
20001 Payment paid
20002 Payment number duplicated
20003 This is not a pre-authorized payment
20004 Database error
20005 No permission for the merchant
20006 QR code expired, please refresh, and try again
20007 Insufficient balance
20008 Unsupported card
20008 Payment closed
20009 Payment cancelled
20010 Banking system anomaly
20011 Authorization code parameter error
20012 Authorization code validation fails
20013 Please restart a transaction
20014 Refund amount greater than the amount paid
20015 Merchant information does not match
20016 Refund amount check fail
20017 Refund payment not exist
20018 Insufficient message header
20019 Original payment not exist
20020 Original payment has been finished
20021 Original payment does not support revocation
20022 Accepting institution abnormal state
20023 Verification signature fails
20024 Transfer to refund
20028 Refund success, user card frozen, need human intervention
20029 PaymentStatus: not pay, unpaid
20030 Payment failed
20031 No channel supported
20032 Failed to get merchant information
20033 Merchant account balance is insufficient. Do not allow to refund
20034 Other case
20035 The account request serial number already exists, cannot be submitted again
20036 Corresponding trade is being frozen due to security issues. Please contact Alipay technical support
20037 Has no privilege. Please contact Alipay technical support
20038 The buyer does not exist
20039 Buyer account status prohibits the refund
20040 The seller does not exist
20041 The trade status is illegal
20042 The trade has been finished
20043 Merchant balance is not enough for refund
20044 The cancellation request is beyond the opening hours
20045 Indicates payment result is unknown
20046 Indicates payment result is unknown
20047 This merchant is not yet available WeChat Pay
20048 This merchant is not yet available Alipay
50001 Failure
50002 Timeout
50003 System error
90000 Unauthorized